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Rupac s.r.l. (Italy)

Visits: 17
Name Multicontrol
Manufacturer Rupac s.r.l. (Italy) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 12 - 1989 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1990
RAM 64KB + 192KB ROM 24KB + 64KB
CPU MOS 8500 - 0.985 Mhz
Operating System Proprietario
Text (Cols x Rows) 40 25
Sound SID 8580
Storage memory Floppy
Serial port Parallel port
Others port Printer Port, 8 x Instruments Interface Port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Configurations It is a Commodore 64C modified by Rupac of Milan to be able to connect measuring instruments for the acquisition and processing (statistical analysis) of these measurements. It integrates an instrument interface and a RAM/ROM module with a proprietary firmware (EPROM 27C512) and RAM backed up by a battery. About 50 examples were produced. 
User Alessandro Liberalato

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