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Old computers brochures (11.514)

Our huge archive of old computer brochures.


Abaton - LaserScriptLX
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Acer - Over one million PCs sold.
Over one million PCs sold.
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

Acer - Your equipment can make or break you.
Your equipment can make or break you.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
ACMA Computer Inc. - Permanent link

ACMA Computer Inc. - MoreThanJustA-GreatPrice
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Ampex - Introducing the world's most advanced data storage technology from the world's most experienced data storage company.
Introducing the world's most advanced data storage technology from the world's most experienced data storage company.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Ampex - When you're ready for the world's most advanced data storage technology, isn't it nice to know that it's ready for you?
When you're ready for the world's most advanced data storage technology, isn't it nice to know that it's ready for you?
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Archive Corp. - Permanent link

Archive Corp. - A word of caution to 8mm users.
A word of caution to 8mm users.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
AST Research (AST Computers, LLC) - Permanent link

AST Research (AST Computers, LLC) - We Built In The speed The Others Left Out.
We Built In The speed The Others Left Out.
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

Canon - The Dot Matrix Era is Over
The Dot Matrix Era is Over
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Canon - Very little to get excited about.
Very little to get excited about.
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK
CIE (Cleveland Institute of Electronics) Inc. - Permanent link

CIE (Cleveland Institute of Electronics) Inc. - Guess What's Missing In Our Competitor's Warranty.
Guess What's Missing In Our Competitor's Warranty.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

CIE (Cleveland Institute of Electronics) Inc. - In tough neighborhoods like this, you need tough printers like these.
In tough neighborhoods like this, you need tough printers like these.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Colorado Memory Systems Inc. - Permanent link

Colorado Memory Systems Inc. - 4 Gigabytes. Under $2,000. PowerTape
4 Gigabytes. Under $2,000. PowerTape
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Compaq - Any printer can produce documents ours produceda consensus.
Any printer can produce documents ours produceda consensus.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Compaq - Printers Not Only Change The Way People Print
Printers Not Only Change The Way People Print
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Compaq - Prosignia Pc Server
Prosignia Pc Server
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Control Data CD - Permanent link

Control Data CD - NoOneOutrunsControlData
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Dataworld - Permanent link

Dataworld - A Solid, Complete Machine That Sets The Standard For The Rest Of The Industry
A Solid, Complete Machine That Sets The Standard For The Rest Of The Industry
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Dell (PC's Limited) - Permanent link

Dell (PC's Limited) - For leading technology and value, flick no further.
For leading technology and value, flick no further.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Dell (PC's Limited) - We already speak to 30,000 customers every day. At Cebit we'd like to talk to you.
We already speak to 30,000 customers every day. At Cebit we'd like to talk to you.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - Permanent link

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - Comparative Guide To A-To-Z
Comparative Guide To A-To-Z
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - DECstationWpsPlusSolutionSystem
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - Instead Of Reventing The Wheel Now You Can Recycle
Instead Of Reventing The Wheel Now You Can Recycle
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - Smile Now Rdb Takes Your Picture
Smile Now Rdb Takes Your Picture
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - The Business Accounting System
The Business Accounting System
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) - The Ideal Computer System Defined
The Ideal Computer System Defined
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Encore Computer Corp. - Permanent link

Encore Computer Corp. - They're Naming Names. Our Name Just Happens To Be First.
They're Naming Names. Our Name Just Happens To Be First.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Facit Data Products - Permanent link

Facit Data Products - This printer will still be productive when Michael becomes computer manager.
This printer will still be productive when Michael becomes computer manager.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Genicom Corp. - Permanent link

Genicom Corp. - Change jobs without changing paper.
Change jobs without changing paper.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Genicom Corp. - DontAskThisGroupToShareJustAnyPrinter
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Hyundai Electronics Industries LTD - Permanent link

Hyundai Electronics Industries LTD - WorkHorse
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK
IBM (International Business Machines) - Permanent link

IBM (International Business Machines) - A collector's item: The IBM 5230 Data Collection System
A collector's item: The IBM 5230 Data Collection System
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - Do strangers watch
Do strangers watch
Thanks to Mark Brennan

IBM (International Business Machines) - High Function Display Products
High Function Display Products
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - IBM 5280 Distributed Data System — efficient data capture at the source
IBM 5280 Distributed Data System — efficient data capture at the source
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - IBM System/34
IBM System/34
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - IBM System/34
IBM System/34
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - IBM System/38
IBM System/38
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - Innovation in IBM Computer Technology
Innovation in IBM Computer Technology
Thanks to Mark Brennan

IBM (International Business Machines) - Innovation in IBM Computer Technology
Innovation in IBM Computer Technology
Thanks to Mark Brennan

IBM (International Business Machines) - It's 10 A.M. Do you know how your s stem is doing ?
It's 10 A.M. Do you know how your s stem is doing ?
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - Look Out! It'ìs a RAID
Look Out! It'ìs a RAID
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - Presenting Hollywood. It's where your idea can become a star.
Presenting Hollywood. It's where your idea can become a star.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

IBM (International Business Machines) - Royal Caribbean propels its business with AS/400s.
Royal Caribbean propels its business with AS/400s.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - System34AnInvestmentForTodayAsWellAsTomorrow
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - Systems Integration
Systems Integration
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - The leader in contact lenses realized its vision with AS/400s.
The leader in contact lenses realized its vision with AS/400s.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - This PS/2 SLC is so fast, it comes with its own speeding ticket.
This PS/2 SLC is so fast, it comes with its own speeding ticket.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

IBM (International Business Machines) - What Some People Are Saying About TheI BM System/38
What Some People Are Saying About TheI BM System/38
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - New levels of punching productivity with the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder
New levels of punching productivity with the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder
1970 - 10 (English)
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - Facts about the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder
Facts about the IBM 129 Card Data Recorder
1972 - 2 (English)
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - IBM 4331 Processor
IBM 4331 Processor
1979 - 6 (English)
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - Relational data systems
Relational data systems
1981 (English)
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

IBM (International Business Machines) - President Ronald Reagan Visits IBM Endicott
President Ronald Reagan Visits IBM Endicott
1984 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

IBM (International Business Machines) - Management Update
Management Update
1986 - 7 (English)
Thanks to Fred our friend at eBay ithistory

ICL - System 125 introduction to SAFES 25 Small factory system
System 125 introduction to SAFES 25 Small factory system
1982 (English)
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

Kyocera - 40 Megabytes Served on a Single Platter
40 Megabytes Served on a Single Platter
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK
Maxtor Colorado Corp. - Permanent link

Maxtor Colorado Corp. - Perfect 10. Still Peanuts.
Perfect 10. Still Peanuts.
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Micronique - Permanent link

Micronique - Micron knows what you're looking for.
Micron knows what you're looking for.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Micronique - When someone yells out 'Hey, geek' do you turn around?
When someone yells out 'Hey, geek' do you turn around?
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Micropolis - Permanent link

Micropolis - The Word Is Getting Around
The Word Is Getting Around
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Motorola - The Lastest OLTP Benchmark Was No Contest.
The Lastest OLTP Benchmark Was No Contest.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
NCR (National Cash Register Co.) - Permanent link

NCR (National Cash Register Co.) - No One Can Help You Get More Out ...
No One Can Help You Get More Out ...
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

NCR (National Cash Register Co.) - There is no limit.
There is no limit.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

NCR (National Cash Register Co.) - With The System-3Ü Announcement, NCR Has Taken a Bold, Giant Step
With The System-3Ü Announcement, NCR Has Taken a Bold, Giant Step
Thanks to Our friend atwo2bees in the UK

Nec - Only one family of notebooks shares the same docking station, port replicator, AC adapter ...
Only one family of notebooks shares the same docking station, port replicator, AC adapter ...
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Nec - Presents TheFirst 486 Server With BuiltIn Survival Instinct
Presents TheFirst 486 Server With BuiltIn Survival Instinct
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

OkiData - Proof That OkiData Newest Printer Will Get You Through Thick And Thin
Proof That OkiData Newest Printer Will Get You Through Thick And Thin
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
SAG Electronics - Permanent link

SAG Electronics - I made the call
I made the call
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Sony - Write Once. Read Many. Worry Never.
Write Once. Read Many. Worry Never.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Storage Technology Corp. (Storagetek) - Permanent link

Storage Technology Corp. (Storagetek) - Effective Data Storage Management A Breakthrough In AS/400 Storage
Effective Data Storage Management A Breakthrough In AS/400 Storage
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Storage Technology Corp. (Storagetek) - Why Depend On DASD For AS/40(Y Storage?
Why Depend On DASD For AS/40(Y Storage?
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Sun Microsystems - Permanent link

Sun Microsystems - Introducing A Whole New Species Of Workstation
Introducing A Whole New Species Of Workstation
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Sun Microsystems - Your computer or your life.
Your computer or your life.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Swan Technologies - Permanent link

Swan Technologies - Swan Takes Off
Swan Takes Off
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Tandem Computers Inc. - Permanent link

Tandem Computers Inc. - Tandem Sends The Message
Tandem Sends The Message
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
TBL Computers - Permanent link

TBL Computers - Single Board System
Single Board System
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Tecmar - About the only thing we haven't done to make thel erfect Novell backup.
About the only thing we haven't done to make thel erfect Novell backup.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Tecmont - 386SxNotebookOnly$2195
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Televideo Systems Inc. - Permanent link

Televideo Systems Inc. - IntroducingTheTeleCAT286
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Toshiba - It weighs 2.35 lbs. It runs Windows' 95 and NT. It's worth looking into.
It weighs 2.35 lbs. It runs Windows' 95 and NT. It's worth looking into.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Toshiba - Software Salesman
Software Salesman
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Toshiba - WorldPort compatibility, Toshiba portability.
WorldPort compatibility, Toshiba portability.
Thanks to Mark Brennan
Wang Laboratories Inc. - Permanent link

Wang Laboratories Inc. - Imaging Adds Vision To Information
Imaging Adds Vision To Information
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Wang Laboratories Inc. - They tell you they need imaging.
They tell you they need imaging.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Wang Laboratories Inc. - Wang makes imaging easy.
Wang makes imaging easy.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Wyse Technology Inc. - Permanent link

Wyse Technology Inc. - The complex steps you must follow to add Wyse terminals to your DEC environment.
The complex steps you must follow to add Wyse terminals to your DEC environment.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Zenith - Introducing Z series. Your future is built in.
Introducing Z series. Your future is built in.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US
Zeos International Ltd - Permanent link

Zeos International Ltd - The World At Your Fingertips
The World At Your Fingertips
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US

Zeos International Ltd - ZEOS Freestyle/SL.
ZEOS Freestyle/SL.
Thanks to Our friend rvgirlwithjim1 in the US