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SG-1000 II

Sega ()

Previous: SG-1000
Visits: 20
Name SG-1000 II Sega 
Manufacturer Sega () Type Consolle
Production start (mm-yyyy) 7 - 1984 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
CPU Z80A - 3.579 Mhz
Operating System Optional (Sega BASIC Level II and III with the SK-1100 keyboard add-on)
Text (Cols x Rows) 38x24 (with Sega BASIC Level II and III)
Graphics 256x192 @ 15 colors + 1 color coloration (210 mixing colors)
Sound 3 sound channels with 4 octaves + 1 noise channel (TI SN-76489 PSG)
Storage memory Cartridge (44 pin), optional My Card.
Serial port Parallel port Optional (with the SK-1100 Keyboard add-on)
Others port 2 joysticks. Cartridge port (44 pin) on top. Expansion slot on rear.
Original price   Currency original price 15000 YEN
Units sold
Note The SG-1000 II or SG-1000 mkII is the second version of the Sega SG-1000.
The SG-1000 can use all the cartridge games and my card of the Sega SC-3000 / SC-3000H computers and viceversa, except the Music cartridges and the BASIC's ones. This can be used with the SK-1100 add-on keyboard.
Configurations With the SG-1000 II was available a Sega Card Catcher a My Cards adapter. The My Cards are games in like credit card format.
Also include a Hold or pause button.
The Sega SK-1100 add-on keyboard is connect in the rear expansion slot, turning the SG-1000 to a SC-3000. The keyboard is the same used by the SC-3000. This add-on also include the cassette and the printer interface, and it allows use the BASIC cartridges.
User juanvm

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