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Sega ()

Previous: SC-3000H Next: SG-1000 II
Visits: 22
Name SG-1000 Sega 
Manufacturer Sega () Type Consolle
Production start (mm-yyyy) 6 - 1983 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1985
CPU Z80A - 3.579 Mhz
Operating System Optional (Sega BASIC Level II and III with the SK-1100 keyboard add-on)
Text (Cols x Rows) 38x24 (with Sega BASIC Level II and III)
Graphics 256x192 @ 15 colors + 1 color coloration (210 mixing colors)
Sound 3 sound channels with 4 octaves + 1 noise channel (TI SN-76489 PSG)
Storage memory Cartridge (44 pin)
Serial port Parallel port Optional (with the SK-1100 Keyboard add-on)
Others port 1 joystick port. Cartridge port (44 pin) on top. Expansion slot on the rear.
Original price   Currency original price 15000 YEN
Units sold
Note SG stand Sega Game.
In the first SG-1000, the label is black, while the later ones the label is blue. Also, the logo with the "SG-1000" use diferents chars types in the number "1".
It was available a Sega C-1000 cartridge, named card-catcher that it allow use My Card, programs in format like a credit card.
The SG-1000 can use all the cartridge games and my card of the Sega SC-3000 / SC-3000H computers and viceversa, except the Music cartridges and the BASIC's ones. This can be used with the SK-1100 add-on keyboard.
Configurations The SG-1000 has one built-in joystick in the left side, and a port for a second in the right side.
The Sega SK-1100 add-on keyboard is connected in the rear expansion slot, turning the SG-1000 to a SC-3000. The keyboard is the same used by the SC-3000. This add-on also include the cassette and the printer interface, and it allows use the BASIC cartridges.
The ROM cartridges can have a size between 8KB and 48 KB.  
User juanvm

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