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Old computers brochures (11.424)

Our huge archive of old computer brochures.


ExaByte - 8 mm. No other tape measures up.
8 mm. No other tape measures up.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - At 2.5-gigabyte capacity, we can take whatever you disk out.
At 2.5-gigabyte capacity, we can take whatever you disk out.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - Exabyte Mammoth technology adds up to better backup.
Exabyte Mammoth technology adds up to better backup.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - More time to hangout with the girls
More time to hangout with the girls
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - Stn whishes Exabyte would automate DLT. Relax. We do.
Stn whishes Exabyte would automate DLT. Relax. We do.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - We back it up 8505
We back it up 8505
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - The EXABYTE family of 8mm data storage solutions. The capacity to succeed.
The EXABYTE family of 8mm data storage solutions. The capacity to succeed.
1990 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

ExaByte - Choosing the wrong backup system will keep you up at night
Choosing the wrong backup system will keep you up at night
1992 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - Human intervention accounts for 87% of all lost data
Human intervention accounts for 87% of all lost data
1993 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - We back it up
We back it up
1993 (English)
Thanks to Fred our friend Fred in the US

ExaByte - Eight out of ten 8mm tape libraries sold have the Exabyte name. And with good reason.
Eight out of ten 8mm tape libraries sold have the Exabyte name. And with good reason.
1995 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - If you think Exobyte is just 8mm, think again. Today, Exabyte is Everywhere.
If you think Exobyte is just 8mm, think again. Today, Exabyte is Everywhere.
1995 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - 8mm Capacity of Mammoth Proportions
8mm Capacity of Mammoth Proportions
1996 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

ExaByte - We back up the people who back you up
We back up the people who back you up
1998 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan