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North Star Computers Inc. (USA)

Next: Advantage/16
Visits: 18
Name Advantage North Star Computers Inc. 
Manufacturer North Star Computers Inc. (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1982 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 96Kb ROM 2Kb
CPU Z80 (LH0080) - 3,5 Mhz
Operating System CP/M
Text (Cols x Rows) 40/80 x 25
Graphics 640 x 240
Sound Beeper
Storage memory Floppy 5.25" x 2, Hd 5-20Mb
Serial port RS-232C Parallel port 1
Others port 6 bus slots
Original price   Currency original price 3990 USD
Units sold
Note Bank swapped 32Kb used for video graphics. 
Configurations From £3,599 to $4,999 
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