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Video Genie - EG3003

EACA International Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Previous: Colour Genie EG2000 Next: Video Genie II - EG3008
Visits: 21
Name Video Genie - EG3003 EACA International Ltd. 
Manufacturer EACA International Ltd. (Hong Kong) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1980 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 16-48 KByte ROM 13.5 KByte
CPU Z80A - 1,79 Mhz
Operating System TRS-DOS, CP/M, LDOS
Text (Cols x Rows) 64 x 16, 32 x 16
Graphics 128 x 48
Sound Optional 6 voices
Storage memory Tape built-in
Serial port RS232 Parallel port
Others port TV, monitor
Original price   Currency original price 645 USD
Units sold
Note This was a clone of a Tandy TRS-80 Model I with Level II BASIC.
The Video Genie also was sell with the label of Genie I.
This computer was marketed under different names in different contries:
  • Dick Smith System-80 in Australia and New Zeland.
  • PMC-80 in USA.
  • TRZ-80 in South Africa.

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NONESKYFORNOW 31/03/2018 23:41:38 http://oldcomputers.dyndns.org/public/pub/rechner/eaca/

Are there some errors? Do you have other info? .

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