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Sega ()

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Visits: 24
Name SC-3000 Sega 
Manufacturer Sega () Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 7 - 1983 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
CPU Z80A - 3.579 Mhz
Operating System Sega BASIC
Text (Cols x Rows) 40x25
Graphics 256x192 @ 15 colors + 1 color coloration ( 210 mixing colors)
Sound 3 sound channels with 4 octaves + 1 noise channel (TI SN-76489 PSG)
Storage memory Tape
Serial port Parallel port Printer interface (female 7-pin DIN)
Others port Two joysticks, RF, Audio/Video composite, Cassette, Cartridge (44 pin)
Original price   Currency original price 28900 YEN
Units sold
Note SC is the abbreviation of Sega Computer This is the computer version of the Sega SC-1000 video-game.
All the cartridges for the SG-1000 can be used in the SC-3000.
This computer was sell in Japan in three colors: black, white or red color. The version sell in the rest of the world were black.
This computer was also sell under other brands:
    GrandStand in New Zealand.
    John Sands in Australia.
    Yeno in France.
Configurations It can't be used without a ROM Cartridge. Some sources says that they don't have RAM installed and other sources says that they has 2KB, others 18KB,.... Finally, I find a schematich diagram, and the RAM installed on the motherboard are 2KB.
The total RAM amount depend of the BASIC cartridge used. In the list of Sega released cartridges appears 5 BASIC cartridges, although I only have find information about three BASIC cartridges:
    BASIC Level II: 32 Kb of ROM with the Sega BASIC and 1KB RAM (only left 512bytes free for the user)
    BASIC Level IIB: without info.
    BASIC Level IIIA: 32KB of ROM with the Sega BASIC and 16KB of RAM.
    BASIC Level IIIB: 32KB of ROM with the Sega BASIC and 32KB of RAM.
    BASIC SK-III: without info. It appears be the BASIC for the SK-1100 keyboard add-on for the SG-1000/SG-1000 II consolle.

Also exist a add-on which adds a 3" floppy disk drive, 64KB of RAM, 8KB of ROM (with the Disk Operating System), a serial RS-232 port, and a parallel Centronics port: the Sega SF-7000. Also include a DISK BASIC floppy. 
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