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Videopac G7400

Philips Electronics (Netherlands)

Previous: Videopac G7000
Visits: 25
Name Videopac G7400 Philips Electronics 
Manufacturer Philips Electronics (Netherlands) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1983 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1984
RAM 16Kb ROM 2Kb
CPU Z80A - 3,5 Mhz
Operating System
Text (Cols x Rows)
Graphics 200 x 400
Storage memory
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price 129 Euro Currency original price 0
Units sold 15000
Note The Videopac G7400, was also well-know like Videopac + was sell under different names:
    Radiola Jet 47
    Schneider 74+
    Brandt Jopac JO7400
    (in a different case)
Exist one model Videopac G7401. This is the same what the Videopac 7400 with SCART (also known like Peritel in France or Euroconector in Spain) port. Also was sell under the names of Radiola Jet 471 and Schneider 741+.  
Configurations With the extension C7420 became a true home computer.
The C7420 adds a Z80 at 3,574 MHz, 18Kb of ROM (8Kb for the Microsoft BASIC Interpreter), and 22Kb of RAM (8Kb for the VRAM).
The C7420 has graphics resolution of 320*200 with 8 colors, and 40*24 in text. 
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