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SV 328 / SVI 328

Spectravideo Inc. (USA)

Previous: SV 318 / SVI 318 Mk II Next: SVI 328 Mk II
Visits: 22
Name SV 328 / SVI 328 Spectravideo Inc. 
Manufacturer Spectravideo Inc. (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 6 - 1983 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 80Kb - 256Kb ROM 48 - 96Kb
CPU Z80A - 3,579 Mhz
Operating System SV Basic (Microsoft Extended), CP/M
Text (Cols x Rows) 80 x 24
Graphics 256 x 192
Storage memory Tape 1800 bps, floppy 5.25" (SV-902)
Serial port Parallel port
Others port 2 Joysticks, 1 Cartridge, SV Expansion slot, SV-601 Super Expander
Original price   Currency original price 595 USD
Units sold
Note The SV-328 is an upgraded version of the SV-318, with a full-stroke keyboard with 87 keys and 80Kb of RAM (64Kb of RAM & 16Kb of VRAM).

Later the SV-328 was revised with the new Spectravideo logo, the one with "SVI", and they was renamed to SVI-328.
Also, the SV BASIC has been updated from "SV BASIC v 1.0" to "SV BASIC v 1.1". They are only small differences in ROM.
Another difference is the plastic case: the colors differs a little bit between SV-328 and SVI-328. 
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