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Sirius 1

Sirius Systems Technology (Victor Technologies) (USA)

Next: Sirius VI
Visits: 24
Name Sirius 1 Sirius Systems Technology (Victor Technologies) 
Manufacturer Sirius Systems Technology (Victor Technologies) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1982 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 128Kb to 896kb ROM 8
CPU 8088 - 4 Mhz
Operating System CP/M 86 - MS-DOS 1.0 - MS-DOS 2.0
Text (Cols x Rows) 80,132 x 25,50 with text rendered in a 10x16 matrix
Graphics 800x400 resolution in 2 colours (monochrome)
Sound No sound
Storage memory Floppy Disk 5.25" 600Kb x 2, Hd 10Mb
Serial port RS232 x 2 Parallel port Centronics
Others port Monitor Port
Original price   Currency original price 35000 FF
Units sold
Note A computer designed by Chuck Peddle, use a Intel CPU but is not a IBM PC clone. It's a very interesting machine, with interesting characteristics. 
User MATTO68

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webmaster 22/07/2024 11:14:03 As happens very often unfortunately.
RG|KAINUS 21/07/2024 04:38:40 My father worked with Chuck assembling this system. I grew up with one. Chuck Peddle was an innovator that does not get the credit he deserves.

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