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Apple IIGS Woz Edition

Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA)

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Visits: 28
Name Apple IIGS Woz Edition Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) 
Manufacturer Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1986 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 256Kb - 8Mb ROM 128Kb
CPU 65C816 - 2.8 Mhz
Operating System AppleDOS 3.3, ProDOS, CP/M (with Z80 card)
Text (Cols x Rows) 40/80 x 24
Graphics 280 x 192 6 colors; 560 x 192 B&W; 640x200 4 colors, 320x200 16 colors
Storage memory Floppy 5.25" 140 Kb; Floppy 800Kb 3.5"
Serial port 1 for modem Parallel port 1 for printer
Others port headphone, joystick, floppy drive, RGB monitor, monochrome monitor, ADB
Original price   Currency original price 999 USD
Units sold 10000
Note Born with ROM 00. 
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