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PW 800 Series

Unisys ()

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Visits: 23
Name PW 800 Series Unisys 
Manufacturer Unisys () Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1988 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1991
RAM 1-16 Mb ROM
CPU Intel 386 - 16 Mhz
Operating System Microsoft MS-DOS 3.2 or 3.3 and Microsoft Windows 386 or OS/2
Text (Cols x Rows) 80 x 25
Graphics CGA, MDA, EGA or VGA
Sound pc-speaker
Storage memory Hard disk MFM 40Mb, 69 Mb or 117 Mb or SCSI
Serial port 2 Parallel port 1
Others port AT keyboard
Original price 6180 Euro Currency original price USD
Units sold
Note *Bios is modified bios from Award
*Some Acer 1100 models uses same motherboard
*All models available with 3.5" or 5.25" inch FDD or both
*Older models come with MFM hard disk, newer with SCSI hard disk
*Some models includes 60 Mb tape backup
*32-bit 4-8 Mb memory expansion board is option
*Original package includes floor stand
Configurations 816 Intel 386 16MHz without hard disk, 1 Mb ram $4780
816 Intel 386 16MHz and 40Mb MFM hard disk, 1 Mb ram $6180
816-2 Intel 386 16MHz and SCSI hard disk, 2 Mb ram
820 Intel 386 20MHz without hard disk, 1 Mb ram $5280
820 Intel 386 20MHz and 40Mb MFM hard disk, 1 Mb ram $6680
820-2 Intel 386 20MHz and SCSI hard disk, 2 Mb ram
User jhoni89

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