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PC 2086 DD

Amstrad (United Kingdom)

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Visits: 20
Name PC 2086 DD Amstrad 
Manufacturer Amstrad (United Kingdom) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 11 - 1988 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 640 KB ROM 64 KB
CPU Intel 8086 - 8 Mhz
Operating System MS-DOS 4.01
Text (Cols x Rows)
Graphics VGA Paradise PVGA1A - 256KB VRAM
Sound PC Speaker
Storage memory 2x 720 KB 3.5" Floppy drives
Serial port 1x RS-232 DB-25 Parallel port 1x LPT DB-25
Others port Custom Amstrad Mouse DE-9 port
Custom Amstrad external floppy port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Configurations PC2086 SD (1x 720 KB floppy drive)
PC2086 DD (2x 720 KB floppy drive)
PC2086 HD (1x 720 KB floppy drive + 1x RLL or IDE Seagate 32Mb Hard Drive) 
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