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Workgroup Server 6150

Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA)

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Visits: 20
Name Workgroup Server 6150 Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) 
Manufacturer Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 4 - 1994 Production end (mm-yyyy) 4 - 1996
RAM 8/72 Mb ROM 4 Mb
CPU PowerPC 601 - 60/66 Mhz
Operating System MacOS 7.1.2/9.0.4
Text (Cols x Rows)
Graphics VRAM 1 MB DRAM
Sound 16 bit stereo
Storage memory Floppy 3.5" 1.4Mb SuperDrive , HD 0.5/0.7/1.2 Gb , CDROM 2X/4X
Serial port 2 Parallel port
Others port 1 ADB , 1 SCSI DB25 , 1 Ethernet 10MB AAUI15
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Configurations The Workgroup Server 6150 was based on the PowerMac 6100 motherboard, and included bundled server software. It was "speed bumped" to 66 MHz in April 1995. 
User fabrizio

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