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Power Macintosh 8500

Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA)

Previous: Power Macintosh 7600 Next: Power Macintosh 9500
Visits: 21
Name Power Macintosh 8500 Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) 
Manufacturer Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 8 - 1995 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1997
RAM 0-1024 MB ROM 4 MB
CPU PowerPC 604/604e - 120/132/150/180 Mhz
Operating System MacOS 7.5.2-7.5.3-9.0.4
Text (Cols x Rows)
Graphics 2 MB VRAM (4 MB via 2 DIMM sockets)
Sound stereo 16 bit
Storage memory Floppy 1.4 MB SuperDrive , CD-ROM 4x/8x , HD 1-2 GB
Serial port 2 Parallel port
Others port 1 SCSI DB-25 , 1 ADB , 1 Ethernet AAUI-15 , 1 Ethernet 10B-T
Original price 4000 Euro Currency original price
Units sold
Note Introduced in August 1995, The 8500 brought 604 power and the PCI architecture to the mid-range, also boasting impressive AV features. The 8500 included a 120 MHz 604 processor and 24-bit composite and S-video input and output. The processor of the 8500 shipped on a removable daughtercard. The 8500 came in a mini-tower case, sold for $4000, and was "speed bumped" to 132 and 150 MHz in April 1996. It was speed bumped again to a 180 MHz 604e processor in August, and was replaced in early 1997 by the 8600.  
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