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Toshiba (Japan)

Previous: BC-8018B Next: HX-10
Visits: 25
Name FS-TM1 Toshiba 
Manufacturer Toshiba (Japan) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1985 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 64Kb + 128Kb VRAM ROM 48Kb
CPU Z80A - 3,579 Mhz
Operating System MSX 2: MSX BASIC v 2.0
Text (Cols x Rows) 80x24, 40x24, 32x24
Graphics 256x192@16 colors - 32 sprites; 512x212/424@16 of 512 colors
Sound 3 sound channels (8 octaves) and a channel of white noise.
Storage memory 3,5" floppy disk drive (720Kb)
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
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Note It use a MSX2 Engine Yamaha S1985. From the Application Manual: The Yamaha S1985 is an LSI device designed for use with MSX2 computers. It is capable of memory control with expansion according to MSX2 specifications taken into account, and control of peripheral equipment such as VDP, keyboard, printer, etc. It also has built-in SSG for generation of music signals and a clock. 
User juanvm

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