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Apple IIe Enhanced

Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA)

Previous: Apple IIe Next: Apple IIe Platinum
Visits: 22
Name Apple IIe Enhanced Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) 
Manufacturer Apple Computer Inc. (Apple) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 3 - 1985 Production end (mm-yyyy) 12 - 1986
RAM 64Kb/128Kb ROM 16Kb
CPU 65c02 - 1.02273 Mhz
Operating System AppleDOS 3.3, ProDOS, CP/M (with Z80 card)
Text (Cols x Rows) 40/80 x 24
Graphics 40x40-48@16 colors; 280x160-192@6 colors; 560x160-192@2 colors
Storage memory Floppy 140 Kb
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price 0 LIT
Units sold
Note It appears to make the IIe more closely compatible with the Apple IIc and II Plus.
Firstly it appear like a upgrade kit (for previous IIe owners) consisted of four chips that were swapped in the motherboard:
  • The 65c02 processor, with more assembly language opcodes, replaced the 6502.
  • Two more chips with Applesoft and Monitor ROM changes
  • A character generator ROM that included graphics characters (first introduced on the IIc) called "MouseText".
The Enhanced IIe ROM changes fixed most of the known problems with the IIe 80-column firmware, and made it possible to enter Applesoft and Monitor commands in lower-case.
For those who purchased the Enhanced IIe new, there were modifications to the appearance of the keyboard, including a darker color to the keys, a smaller size to the characters on the keys, a change to black color for that text, and movement of the character to the upper part of the key.
Also, the power light had the word "Enhanced" or "65c02" added to it, to help distinguish it from the original Apple IIe. (This sticker was also included in the upgrade kit). 
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