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HotBit HB-8000

Epcom Equipamentos Eletrônicos da Amazônia Ltda. (EPCOM/SHARP) (Brazil)

Visits: 24
Name HotBit HB-8000
Manufacturer Epcom Equipamentos Eletrônicos da Amazônia Ltda. (EPCOM/SHARP) (Brazil) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 11 - 1985 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 64Kb+16Kb VRAM ROM 32Kb
CPU Z80A - 3,579 Mhz
Operating System MSX 1: MSX BASIC v 1.0
Text (Cols x Rows) 40x24, 32x24
Graphics 256x192@16 colors; 32 sprites
Sound 3 sound channels (8 octaves) and a channel of white noise
Storage memory
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Note They exist three versions of the HotBit HB-8000: v 1.0, v 1.1 and v 1.2. The two first (v 1.0 & 1.1) use a white case, while the in v 1.2 the case are black.
I do not know the differences between the three versions, but I believe that they are modifications in the ROM.
User juanvm

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