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Radiola ()

Previous: MK-180
Visits: 21
Name VG-5000 Radiola 
Manufacturer Radiola () Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1984 Production end (mm-yyyy) - 1986
RAM 24Kb RAM + 8Kb VRAM ROM 18Kb
CPU Z80A - Mhz
Operating System
Text (Cols x Rows) 40 x 25, 8 colours.
Graphics 320x250 with semi-graphics chars in 8 colours
Sound 1 channel and 4 octaves
Storage memory Cassette
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold 300000
Note The VG-5000 was designed and made in France by RTC (RadioTechnique Compelec). It was sell under the brand name of Philips, Radiola e Schneider. The only difference are the colour. RTC also made the Videopac (also sell under the brands of Philips, Radiola, Schneider).
The RTC factory was built in 1960 by Schneider Co. , and it was adquired in 1990 by Philips.  
User juanvm

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